The P&C runs the Belair Canteen with the help of the lovely Canteen Coordinator, Robyn. We run a healthy canteen to support the nutritional wellbeing of our kids.
The canteen is open Tuesdays to Fridays for the first and second breaks.
Lunch orders can be placed via the Flexischools app.
Out of cash? You can also purchase canteen spending money on the Flexischools app so you don’t need to send cash with your child.
The canteen is located near the entrance to the School Hall.
Our canteen relies on volunteers to help us run a cost-effective recess and lunch service for the school. We are always looking for helpers in the canteen, especially on Fridays. If you can spare any time, even just an hour, come along and help prepare lunch orders and serve our kids. All volunteers can get lunch and a cuppa. Bonus: Your children are happy to see you in their favourite place – school. You get to spoil them by spending a little extra money (all for a good cause) and you get to meet new people and make good friends within the school community. No experience necessary!
You can select one or both of the shifts:
from 9.30 am preparing lunch orders
from 11 am preparing food and serving